Book Donations


Donate your books and media to the Friends! We resell donated items through our bookstore, book sales and online sales program. The money we raise thanks to your donation provides vital support to the Hercules Library.

We Gratefully Accept

  • Books in good condition—fiction and nonfiction, hardcover and paperbacks
  • Textbooks less than 8 years old
  • Dictionaries and reference books
  • Computer books less than 5 years old
  • CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and audiobooks
  • Puzzles and children’s games
  • Popular magazines less than 2 months old
  • Specialty magazines

We Regret That We Cannot Accept

  • Encyclopedias, Reader’s Digest books, advance readers copies (ARCs), or multi-volume sets of books that are incomplete
  • Moldy, damaged or stained books
  • Books that are heavily underlined, highlighted or written in
  • Textbooks, computer books or magazines older than stated above
  • Vinyl records
  • Cassette tapes or VHS tapes
  • Home-recorded media
    Note: Please recycle cassette tapes by taking them to El Cerrito Recycling, 7501 Schmidt Lane, El Cerrito, CA 94530; (510) 215-94530

How to Donate

Bring your items to donate to the Friends Bookstore during the library’s open hours. Please do not bring more than 2 bags or small boxes at one time. If you would like a receipt, please ask the bookstore staff. FOHL is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization so your donation may be tax deductible.